*click titles to learn more*

Recognizing the valued gestures ritual offers, this requiem brings together theories in accompaniment, wakework, and performance studies to explore
how a requiem acts as a
commemorative mass for the dead. This performance was awarded Top Contributed Perforamnce for the 2023 National Communication Association Conference.

Using activated charcoal Censual Spillage comes into contact with the ink that marks human existence. From a particularly black lens, performance explores the possibilities for subjectivity offered in the "fill-in-the-blank" categories on the census form.
*Awarded Top Contributed Performance by
2023 National Communication Assocation*

Using the Colorado river as a final gravesite, this work endeavors to unearth the in-between places situated at the crossroads of what was and what remains in order to investigate the dark corners of our collective memory, and discover where we might begin to place ourselves among the ghosts.

Having gathered 735 candles through community donation, Light of Ours theorizes accompaniment as it endeavors to connect the artist to the spect-actor in an effort to rework the forces which keep riotous life at bay. Having taken place on the threshold of the 2021 New Year, Light of Ours asks, what method
of study might we conjure
when we accompany each other in grief?